Quality documentation makes learning visible. If it’s visible it is shareable
Documentation allows for reading, analysing and re-launching. Documentation is inextricably linked to assessment
Pedagogical documentation
The teachers in Reggio Emilia say that research is the key word whenever children and Teachers are together. Teachers should not propose pre-packaged journeys or knowledge to children. Research remains front and centre in the minds of children and children are keen researchers existing largely in an unexplored world. The research is a daily attribute that becomes the source of new pedagogical ideas.
In Reggio Emilia one of the most important roles of documentation is that it needs to have transformative qualities. You are testing your theories with the aim of transforming your understandings and practice. Documentation should also represent a memory of what has gone before in order to inform what might follow. Documentation makes explicit what we value.
To be able to design and deliver quality early learning programs in this way requires educators to understand that documentation is a metacognitive process. It requires an awareness and understanding of our own processes.
Through tailored professional development workshops that use active listening as a pedagogical approach, Karen is able to assist your early learning service in making your values visible.